Un programma di riqualificazione urbana e di formazione di lavoratori per l’edilizia nei paesi del Mediterraneo e dell’Africa.
Sperimentazione didattica e progettuale.
Over the past twenty years, while the actions of governments, development cooperation, and NGOs promoted 'architectures for emergency,' a set of interventions have redeveloped the African 'territory' (and other places in the Global South) turning them into sites of resource exploitation, without activating real modernization. Rethinking today a 'Plan for Increment and Worker Employment' for the redevelopment of those territories would be a sustainable challenge for local building cultures, with low-cost technology and an increase in the quality of the environment: a useful Plan for Italy as well. The experience of Italian architects in the enlarged Mediterranean in the postwar period will be the background of knowledge and models, with particular regard to the INA Casa affair financed with the Marshall Plan (1947), a significant moment of economic policy in Italy and one of the most relevant experiences of social housing.